Tasty Fig Banana Smoothie A Healthy Treat for Kids

A delicious and yummy drink for kids Banana and Fig  Smoothie


S(caps)moothies are a great way to disguise healthy fruit and nutrients into your child's diet. Check out one such power packed smoothie — Fig Banana Smoothie, by making the most of natural sweetness with figs and banana, that kids across ages enjoy. This healthy smoothie for kids is perfect if your child is a picky eater, or needs a touch of vitality. This fig banana shake marries figs fiber with banana creaminess to result in a delicious meal.

banana fig kids smoothie

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Recipe of Fig Banana Smoothie


  •  2 fresh or dried figs
  •  1 ripe banana
  • 1 cup of milk or dairy-free alternative
  • 1 TBS raw honey or maple syrup (optional - only if you want it to be a little sweeter)
  • ½ cups Greek yogurt (for extra creaminess)
  • 4-5 ice cubes (optional)


1. Prepare: If you're using dried figs, soak in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes before starting. If you use fresh figs, skip this step.

2. Blend: Blend the fig, banana, milk and yogurt (if using) in a blender. Blend until smooth.
Chill the smoothie in the fridge, taste it and honey or maple syrup if needed.

3. Serve: This Beverage smoothies can be taken using a glass, pour the smoothie into the glass and consume. Optional you can garnish with a fig sliced or even just a pinch of chia seeds to make it more healthy.

This fruit smoothie with figs is not only very delicious but also rich in necessary vitamins so children who are growing up will definitely like it.

Nutritional Values 

  • Calories: 200
  • Carbohydrates: 45g
  • Protein: 5g
  • Fat: 3g
  • Fiber: 6g
  • Sugar: 30g
  • Potassium: 500mg
  • Calcium: 15% of the Daily Value (DV)

Health Benefits

A thick and creamy milkshake made out of two powerful superfood agents, figs and bananas, will further strengthen the body with health and energy enhancement.

Digestion: Figs being high in fiber help the digestive process and avoid constipation, thereby aiding in gut health.

Bone Health: Calcium, potassium, and magnesium from figs are beneficial in the formation and growth of bone structure, especially useful for growing children.

Muscles and Heart: Bananas are highly rich in potassium, which assists in muscle functioning and heart health during strenuous activities and post-workout recovery.

Strengthens Immunity: Bananas, when consumed fresh, are a great source of Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C; both of which enhance immunity and energy levels.

Quick Energy Source: The natural sugars in figs and bananas together quickly replenish energy, making this smoothie an interesting breakfast choice, an afternoon pick-me-up, or a pre-exercise fuel.

Fun for Kids: The smoothie can excite the child for an interesting way to enrich his or her daily diet with vitamins and minerals necessary for growth and energy.

Have a delicious and healthy fig and banana smoothie in your plans to complement your healthy eating habit!

Role of Vitamin C and B6 in Immune Function - medlineplus

TIps for Making your Smoothie

Choose Ripe Bananas: That’s why the higher the ripeness of the banana, the more sweet it will be and thus the less sweetening is necessary in the preparation of the smoothie.

Soak Dried Figs: In cases where dried figs are used, they are usually prohibited to stay in the blender without being soaked to puree well, and make the mixture creamy.

Chill Before Serving: To make drinking the smoothie even more delightful, place the smoothie into the refrigerator for ten minutes before drinking or add more ice cubes.

Customize Sweetness: Skip honey/maple syrup or add more if your child prefers the sweetness level of a particular dish.

Blend Thoroughly: Make sure that all the ingredients have blended properly so as to give a smooth mix especially for those who are very picky on what they are served with.


1. Is it also fine to use frozen banana for this smoothie?

   Yes! Frozen bananas can make the smoothie a little creamier and thicker, like a milk shake though this may not be recommended. It is also a very effective method for preserving food, especially bananas which have become too soft to eat anymore.

2. Can children with lactose intolerance consume this smoothie?

   Absolutely! By replacing normal milk with almond milk, oat milk, or any other milk that is free from dairy products you prepare a dairy-free fig banana smoothie.

3. May I have this smoothie in advance?

   Of course, this fig smoothie recipe can be prepared beforehand and left in the refrigerator for as long as 24 hours. But the mixture can thicken over a period of time so it may be stirred before serving.

4. What is a good substitute for figs?

   In case you do not find the figs, feel free to use date or prune instead. Or a similar level of sweetness and texture to the smoothie although not as creamy as the avocado.

5. Can to Adult over age consume this kind of smoothie?

   Yes the  smoothie is a Adult friendly. If you have children less than one year old, you might decide not to add honey or add more milk to make the soup thinner.


The fig banana smoothie ahake will definitely be a great idea for parents who want to treat their children with a healthy smoothie rich in vitamins and minerals and sweetener free. It is also a simple, tasty, and highly convenient beverage that can be enhanced in an efficient manner, depending on how Much the consumer would like to diversify it considering their daily meal plan and lifestyle. Be it for a healthy smoothie in the morning, or in the afternoon after school, or a healthy energy booster snack, this simple and healthy fig banana smoothie for fussy drinkerswill be a huge success. Form different combinations and prove how beneficial this nutritional fig and banana smoothie for kids is!

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